Top 3 Reasons Why Having a Go-To Recruiter is Essential
2 min read

Every business needs partners that they can rely on in a pinch. Insurance is important for businesses because anything and everything could happen and knowing that you are prepared for every case is comforting - and the same goes for recruiters.
Even in cases where all of your positions are filled and you have no plan to hire anytime soon, it helps to have someone on your side who knows the space you’re in, inside and out. They get to know you and your culture and how your business operates well enough that when you turn to them for help, they’re ready with someone to offer you who they think could be the perfect fit.
1. You can take advantage of business opportunities as they come up
Your business has started picking up speed with leads coming from every direction. All of a sudden you have six new leads and your staff is overwhelmed with work. But that doesn’t mean you should turn away all of these new business opportunities!
The benefit of having a recruiter in this scenario is that not only are you able to gain new business, but you are also able to gain a valuable new member of your team in a short time thanks to your recruiter being in your back pocket at all times.
2. A valued member of your team gives their notice unexpectedly
Say the top performing member of your team walks into your office and tells you that tomorrow will be their last day. What will you do? You don’t have time to post on various job boards and go through countless resumes and interviews for the next three months in order to fill the big hole that is being left by you and your team member parting ways. You need to fill the position, and you need to fill it as soon as possible!
All of your worries would disappear because you know that you have a go-to recruiter that you can pick up the phone and call right away to launch the search for your next rockstar.
3. Your recruiter can also act as a trusted adviser
You should always be able to rely on your recruiter for beyond just hiring. It’s the job of a recruiter to know what the market is like at all times. If you’re not looking to hire but want to know what the market is looking like at the time, reach out to your recruiter and hear what they have to offer. They’re also here to help with all things like people, culture, talent and retention. It’s important especially in the HubSpot ecosystem where many businesses have teams on the smaller side without a talent acquisition specialist.