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How to Evolve with an Evolving Job Market

Written by Lauren Huston | Jul 15, 2021

Searching for a new job has been a process that has traditionally followed the same course each time, but new technologies and the state our world is in today have changed that landscape. The advice from our mentors, teachers, and parents, is no longer applicable when it comes to landing your dream job. In order to keep up, we have to keep adapting to these changes in technologies and the media. 

Traditional Market

Growing up, our parents could not log in to their LinkedIn account to apply for the most recent job postings at the click of a button. Traditionally when looking for a job, meeting a few new people, shaking a couple of hands, and turning in a resume would be enough to land a job. 

Pretty simple right? It’s not so straightforward anymore. 

More people than ever are going to college to ensure their place in the workforce making it more competitive to stand out to employers. Degrees have assisted in landing jobs for people over the years, but it has turned into a requirement for many companies within the last 20 years. The more common they have become has created a competitive atmosphere because more individuals are qualified for the same roles.

In March of 2020, our world was rocked. Everything we had been doing changed due to the Coronavirus. Being stuck in our homes created a new life online. A year later going into my senior year of college it couldn’t have been more overwhelming as I was in the midst of my semester and my job search. Work was hard to find with everything either closing down, or making those on the hunt innovative and more adaptable to new options, paygrades, and beyond. 

Evolving Today

The job market is changing at a fast pace and switching careers is more common than it once was. With online and remote resources we are able to learn more to frame our skills to match more unique roles and grow professionally at a faster rate. Ask yourself why you are searching for a new role and what motivates you, use that information as a way to differentiate yourself from other candidates to stand out. 

With social platforms like LinkedIn and Indeed it has become simple to apply to 15 or more jobs per day. This past year, remote work has opened new opportunities to obtain a great fit for you regardless of the location, which is how I found my job at HubSearch. Remote work is here to stay and we need to adapt to the modern working world today. There are many benefits to working from home and for some, this change will bring more opportunities.

Advice we had once learned has changed and we are adapting to the new environment. The best piece of advice I had received on my job hunt was to be authentic. Hiring managers who have interviewed countless times can see through fake authenticity. Be genuine to best reflect your knowledge and qualifications for the role. If you are looking for help in finding the next move in your career that will align with your goals, sign up and join our roster. 

If we have the right opportunity for you we’ll reach out to help you through this (sometimes stressful) process.